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Workhouse Festival - 29 June - 1 July 2007


We arrived at a very different Workhouse festival from last year. This time it was raining and windy with the weather forecast predicting much of the same all weekend. Last year had been stupidly hot, it was like one extreme to another!

We had been asked by the festival to run our 'Fight the Pipe' information stall all about the 200 mile long LNG pipeline running through Wales to Gloucester. We spent a good few hours setting up on the Thursday in the drizzle wondering what the hell we were doing here! We had never set up the canvas as an awning on the van before so it was trial and error with lots of errors! We managed to finish it off on Friday morning before the festival officially opened and things were looking OK with not too much rain.

Throughout the weekend we had people come round and chat to us about the pipeline although not as many as we would have liked. I think the rain meant that people were heading for the bars and stages rather than bimble around outside chatting. By Saturday the site was a mud bath with no improvement in sight. I didn't get out to see much music preferring to stay in our cosy camp and chatting to people there or just chill out and read. I did go out to see Sicknote as I have heard so much about them but keep missing them whenever they are on somewhere that I am at. I was really impressed with their style and they got me bobbing around to their tunes. Defiantly a band I want to see again.

Workhouse is a great little festival and at only £40 for a weekend ticket it is a bargain. The site is up for sale and the crew are trying to raise enough money to buy it. The festival will hopefully continue whatever happens and lets pray for better weather next year!


Below are a selection of photographs from the gathering.


Positive Evolution was started in 2005 

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