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Hurlers Stone Circle


On the wild plain of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall is found an unusual site, three stone circles close together. The smallest and most southerly is 32m across, the central circle is 42m, while the northern circle is 34.7m across. Nine, seventeen and sixteen stones respectively survive; they were carefully erected so that they all appear the same height.

Uncommonly, the stones of the central circle were smoothed by hammering, the crystals from the breakages being spread over the interior of the central circle. The tallest stones are at the south in the two northernmost circles.

Legend has it that they were musicians turned into stone for playing music on the Sabbath. The name "The Hurlers" refers to an old tradition that the circles are men turned to stone. As William Camden wrote in 1587: "The neighbouring inhabitants term them Hurlers, as being by devout and godly error persuaded that they had been men sometime transformed into stones, for profaning the Lord's Day with hurling the ball."

The site is well signposted with a car park in village of Minions.


Below are a selection of photographs from my visit there.

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