This is a page of all the creative things I and some other people do. I love to write, sing, dance, act, draw, decorate, photograph, observe! I think everybody should be given plenty of opportunities to explore their creative side. Today’s society makes it hard to be creative, people slogging their guts out at work to pay the mortgage want to zone out in front of the TV or social media to escape into another world rather than find what is inside them. It is important that we find the time to be creative and express ourselves.
Creativity is not simply painting a picture or playing a musical instrument, of course, it is those things, but creativity is also cooking your evening meal, coming up with an answer to a problem at work, planning your holiday, rearranging or designing your garden or figuring out ways in which your football team can beat the opposition. Parents are among the most creative people ever to live. Apart from creating babies, they have to create household design, create breakfasts, lunches and dinners, create plans for holidays, create events and entertainments for guests and visitors, and create excuses for their partners and children! In a very real and most important sense of the phrase, they are literally creating the future.
Here is some pictures of some of the creative things I have made...
Here is some pictures and links to some of my creative friends:
My friend Helena aka Miss Chievious Gladrags makes Upcycled Clothes! She has a Facebook shop HERE.

My friend Siobhan Gillespie aka Happy Art is a fantastic artist, she doesn't have a website but you can see her work and contact her through her Instagram page HERE or her Facebook profile HERE she sells original pieces of art and prints of her work.

My friend Gaz Rye is a metal and wood worker, he made the woodburner for my van and the lorry I used to have! His Etsy shop is HERE, and his Facebook page is HERE. You can contact him if you want something custom made. His rates are very reasonable.

My friend Clint Evans aka Peppermint Iguana is a blogger, photographer, broadcaster and writer. He has put on many gigs in the South Wales area where he lives and has produced the Peppermint Iguana Zine on paper and then later digitally. He now also has a radio show. Find him at PEPPERMINT IGUANA HQ!

Friends Bands and Artists: