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Levellers Inspired Tattoos

This page has always been one of the most popular pages on the entire website and is dedicated to people that have tattoos inspired by the band The Levellers. For their fans The Levellers have brought brilliant tunes and made them stop and think about the world for many years. There is a little more about them on my music page. To have something about The Levellers permanently drawn on your body forever shows just how much they have influenced and inspired you through life. Many thanks and much love to everybody that sent me their tattoo pictures. There is a link at the bottom of this page if you would like to send me your tattoo picture.


"When you're standing by the roadside and it’s a long way to go well I'll carry you if you'll carry me friend well I'll carry you" from the song Carry Me by The Levellers.


Sam (that's me!)


Tattoo done: 2002 at King Tattoo in Cirencester

Favourite Levellers song: Miles away/Elation/Social Insecurity/Cardboard Box City

Favourite Levellers album: Levelling the Land/Drunk in Public

First Levellers gig: Gloucester Leisure Centre 1993

Been into the Levellers since: 1992 after my sister came home from university with Levelling the Land!


Mine was a cover up of an old tattoo I had done when I was 17. I saw a similar design for the outer bit on a website and changed it to make it my own and also to fit over all the bits on the old tattoo that were poking out! I then played around with different Levellers stuff like the sun, chaos symbol and rolling A. I’m really pleased with the way it turned out, it was 2 hours of pain but well worth it, and all for £40....bargain! As well as the A representing anarchy which I am a great believer in, the tattoo represents my love for The Levellers and a sign that they have had such an impact on my life that I want a permanent symbol on my body to mark that. I also now have Zion Train and Dreadzone inspired tattoos!


Below are tattoos I got sent in to this website from 2016-2020, after these are some older ones:



Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? By Sarah at Pink Lady Ink in Worcester.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? It changes regularly but Boatman or Julie.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Weapon called the World.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? I first saw The Levellers at Wolves Civic in about ‘93? Credit to the Nation & Chumbawumba supported.




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? Life and Death Tattoos Shrewsbury in 2015.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Dance Before The Storm.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Levelling the Land/Chaos Theory Live.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? Can’t remember when first gig was but it was in Aylesbury, seen them 35+ times since.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since the mid 90s.




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? Ben Stone's private studio in Derby, 2018, (he is also New Model Army's merchandise manager).

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Men an Tol.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Weapon Called the World.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? Woolwich poly in 1989.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1989.

Any other comments? I’ve seen the band upwards of 200 tines and along with New Model Army they are my favourite bands of all time.




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? DPE Tattoo Lounge in Stoke on Trent, absolutely the best.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Almost impossible to choose!! Depends entirely on my mood. Favourite live track probably Dirty Davey.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Zeitgeist or Green Blade Rising.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? The Old Theatre Royal in Hanley, probably around 1997.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since the mid 90s.

Any other comments? Just that I've consistently loved this band all these years. It's not been a 'come and go' thing, they've always been my favourite band and no others have come close when all is said and done.






Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? Inner Darkness in Shrewsbury 2019.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Hmm, so many to choose! One way (obviously) or Riverflow.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Levelling the Land.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? Brockwell Park 1994 Anti Nazi League Carnival.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1993, my best mate introduced me to their Levelling the Land album and I never looked back.

Any other comments? I haven’t met the guys yet but I was conned out of 2 tickets to their Buxton gig by a lady last year. Matt heard about it on Facebook and got me and my mate on the guest list. They’re top guys. I’m getting married in a couple of years’ time and have chosen their song Angels.




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? The first one was in 1993.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Carry Me.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Headlights, White Lines, Black Tar Rivers.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? 1993 Warrington.

Any other comments? I have 16 Levellers tattoos now!




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? Sink Deep.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Elation.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Levelling the Land.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? 1994.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1994.

Any other comments? The Kokopelli is playing the opening score of One Way and I love Beautiful Days!




Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? March 2020 by Lee at Hotter than Hell Tattoo Edinburgh.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Battle of the Beanfield.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Levelling the Land.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? June 2019 at Kelvingrove Bandstand Glasgow.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1992.

Any other comments? I got this as a memorial tattoo to my best friend Mhari who died in 1999. We were both big Levellers fans and I wanted to do something to remember us. She may fade from people's memories but this won't.


Levsgob Mond


Where and when were your tattoo(s) done? Pure Colours Tattoo, St. Albans UK, Nov 2018.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Elation.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Mouth to Mouth, it changes periodically.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? London Barbican.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1991.




Where and when was your tattoo done? Morecambe 2014.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Forgotten Ground.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Levelling the Land.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? May 1992 in Portsmouth.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1991.

Any other comments? One of my 2 favourite bands, influenced me so so much!




Where and when was your tattoo done? Simon at R6j6ct Tattoo in 2014.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? Liberty.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? Aston Villa leisure centre 1995.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1994.




Where and when was your tattoo done? Peter Jordan double dragon Stockton on Tees.

What’s your favourite Levellers song? I have thousands of faves.

What’s your favourite Levellers album? Mouth to Mouth, Zeitgeist, Levelling the Land, Green Blade Rising.

Where and when was your first Levellers gig? Stockton indie day 1996.

How long have you been a Levellers fan? Since 1993.

Any other comments? They are the best band in the world I'm gonna do Prague and Berlin next year.



See the bottom of the page for details on how to send me your photo.

In the first few years of this website I got sent the majority of the pictures below. The following tattoo pictures I got sent to this website between 2005-2015:



Fav Levs song: Angels

Fav Levs album: Zietgiest at the mo

First Levs gig: Sheffield arena (what year was that then)?

Been into the Levs since: I was sperm in me dads back wheels


Karl Liszewski


Tattoo done: 2002 in Burton

Fav Levs song: Riverflow/Another Man’s Cause/61 Minutes of Pleading

Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land

First Levs gig: Derby 1992




Tattoo done: 2003 in Rochdale

Fav Levs song: Angels

Fav Levs album: tricky one, depends on mood, currently wearing out the 1st Drunk in Public CD, but I think the song writing is strongest on Mouth to Mouth.... sat here thinking and still can’t decide haha

First Levs gig: Sheffield 1996

Been into the Levs since: 1991


I had it done in Rochdale in August 2003, specifically the first day of Beauty Days, I couldn’t get time off work, so had the tattoo instead, the weird bit, was my phone ringing while under the needle, and it was a mate letting me listen to Robbie Jones from the 2nd stage, good timing!




Tattoo done: 2004 and 2008 in Exeter

Fav Levs song: Life/Lowlands of Holland/England my Home

Fav Levs album: All of them

First Levs gig: Plymouth 1993

Been into the Levs since: 1991




Tattoo done: 2004 in Exeter

Fav Levs song: Elation/Three Friends

Fav Levs album: All of them

First Levs gig: Exeter 1996

Been into the Levs since: 1995




Tattoo done: Rotherham

Fav Levs song: Riverflow

Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land

First Levs gig: Leeds 2000

Been into the Levs since: 1993




Tattoo done: April 2001

Fav Levs song: Liberty

Fav Levs album: I haven't got a favourite, they're all good for different reasons.

First Levs gig: Reading Hexagon 2004

Been into the Levs since: I was young but didn't know what it was I was listening to until I was 19!




Tattoo done: 2006 in Telford

Fav Levs song: elation

First Levs gig: haven't seen them yet

Been into the Levs since: always


Jason saw my tattoo design & copied it, what better compliment could I get?! He says “I gave him the outline that I saw on your website and he said he'd put a design in it for me and cover it up black if I didn’t like it, well it turned out like that and I love it!”




Tattoo done: Rogsys in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 2007

Fav Levs song: Boatman

Fav Levs album: Mouth to Mouth

First Levs gig: Victoria hall, Stoke-on-Trent, 2002

Been into the Levs since: 2000




Tattoo done: March 2008

Fav Levs song: tough one... either Boatman or Elation (live)

Fav Levs album: Chaos Theory DVD or Weapon Called the World, I'm so indecisive!

First Levs gig: Summer 2006 (I'm a young fan)

Been into the Levs since: Summer 2006



Tattoo done: Jan 2008 at Looe Tattoo
Fav Levs song: tough one... Julie
Fav Levs album: Green Blade Rising
First Levs gig: Kettering leisure village 2008



Tattoo done: 2006 Tätowiersucht, Münster, Germany
Fav Levs song: Miles Away & Battle of the Beanfield
Fav Levs album: Mouth to Mouth
First Levs gig: Jovel Music hall, Münster Germany, around 1997



Tattoo done: 2004 Tattoo Eddies Philadelphia USA
Fav Levs song: Life
Fav Levs album: Weapon Called the Word
First Levs gig: Jovel not sure 93/94 Dublin
Been into the Levs since: Levelling the Land

I got this tattoo in loving memory of my friend Nigel who had similar version on his wrists. When I got this tattoo I was working and living in Philadelphia. The levellers were playing in a small venue called the North Star in west Philly about a week later. I could not believe it! I got to meet & greet them all & had few beers & smokes. I showed them my tattoo and they liked it. I was on cloud 9 and very home sick at this stage so they were playing few months later near my home town in Wexford so i came home. They all liked the tat.



Tattoo done: Sept 2008 Forever & Ever Tattoo, Bournemouth
Fav Levs song: Blind Faith
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land
First Levs gig: Poole 1998 lost count after seeing them 30+ times
Been into the Levs since: I was 18


Menantol Martin

Fav Levs song: Menantol



Tattoos done: Revolver Tattoo, New Brunswick, USA
Fav Levs song: Survivors or Behold a Pale Rider but that changes all the time
Fav Levs album: Zeitgeist
First Levs gig: My one and only Levellers show was a small acoustic show at a pub, somewhere in Devon about 8 years ago - unfortunately they don't tour the USA much.
Been into the Levs since: 1994

The rolling A was my first tattoo at 17! It was done at Tattoo Madness in Dover, New Jersey USA in 1998. The sun from Levelling the Land and the Weapon Called the Word cover were both done years later at Revolver Tattoo in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA between 2004 and 2006 I believe. I have a half-sleeve that includes the Chaos symbol that was also done at Revolver Tattoo in 2003. I also have "subvert" tattooed on my inner right arm, also done at yep, you guessed it, Revolver Tattoo.



Tattoo done: After the first Beautiful Days Festival (2003)



Tattoo done: 2007 in Coleraine by Walter
Fav Levs song: Too Real or Three Friends
Fav Levs album: Mouth to Mouth
First Levs gig: Blackpool Winter Gardens, 1996
Been into the Levs since: 1992

My tattoo is part of a half sleeve (soon to be full sleeve) which incorporates Celtic and Tribal designs with the Levellers 'A'. The full finished design will include the Dark Side of the Moon cover on my lower arm.



Tattoo done: 2008 at Kev’s Inkhouse Aberdeen
Fav Levs song: Julie & Men-An-Tol
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land
First Levs gig: Glasgow ABC Dec 2006
Been into the Levs since: 1996



Tattoo done: 2007 at Woody's Tattoo Studio, High Wycombe
Fav Levs song: Angel or Julie
Fav Levs album: Weapon Called The Word
First Levs gig: June 1993 Heineken Big Top festival, Stanmer Park, Brighton
Been into the Levs since: 1991

I'd been wanting a Levs sun tat for years, but never managed to get decent artwork for it. Luck went my way and I managed to get hold of a copy of Jez's original artwork and the rest is history. Also, my brother does stencil graffiti and put the image on the back of a dinner jacket for me, which I wore at the Albert Hall gig.



Tattoo done: 2005 Tattoo Time in Bristol to celebrate my 40th birthday.
First Levs gig: Newport 1996



Tattoo done: 2000
Fav Levs song: Liberty
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land
First Levs gig: Sept 1995 Manchester Apollo
Been into the Levs since: About 1993/94



Tattoo done: 2010 in Seattle by Joe Who at Pierced Hearts Tattoo Parlor
Fav Levs song: Belaruse
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land
First Levs gig: Never! They don’t tour anywhere near me (New Zealand and U.S.)
Been into the levs since: 1994

I decided I wanted a tattoo that symbolized my personal, political, and musical beliefs in one. I am a musician (bassist) and have always loved fiddle above all other instruments. I searched high and low for something that represented those things, and then one day I had an epiphany. As a Levs fan of 15+ years, it occurred to me that what I loved about their music was that it indeed represented all of the above. Joe took the fiddler/devil image and created a second bass-player, added in the rolling anarchy symbol, and voila!



Tattoo done: 1998 in Wiesbaden, Germany
Fav Levs song: Far From Home
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land
First Levs gig: 1993 in Offenbach, Germany
Been into the Levs since: 1992




Tattoo done: Jenna Jones



Tattoo done: 2011 at Ink Minx in Montrose, Scotland
Fav Levs song: Leave this town, Another man’s cause, Just the one and Carry me.
Fav Levs album: A Weapon called the word and Zeitgeist
First Levs gig: Beautiful Days 2007
Been into the Levs since: All my life thanks to my Dad!



Tattoo done: 2011 in Hitchin at Shades of Grey
Fav Levs song: Liberty
Fav Levs album: Levelling the Land



Tattoo done: 2004 in Birmingham
Fav Levs song: Exodus/English civil war/the devil went down to Georgia
Fav Levs album: Zeitgeist
First Levs gig: Aston Villa leisure centre Birmingham Sept 1995
Been into the Levs since: 1992

My brothers got me into The Levellers at a real young age so thanks Dek, Daz and Russ J and they took me to my 1st levellers gig aged 16, I loved it and have seen them regularly over the last 16 years. I have also sent you a scan of a flyer I got at the Aston Villa gig, I got it signed by Mark and Charlie, it was well worth falling over a barrier to get to them lol. Jon also asked me for cigarette and signed my concert programme with a little top hat man and everything but unfortunately about 8 years ago it was stolen along with all my Levellers albums and picture discs. I was gutted.



Fav Levs song: Dance before the storm
Fav Levs album: Hear nothing see nothing do something vol 1
Been into the Levs since: 1992

I have been to over 100 gigs :)



Tattoo done: by Sharlene Bruce at Tattooed Freak, Aberdeen.
Fav Levs song: Elation, Men-an-Tol, Burford Stomp (even though it's a cover!)
First Levs gig: Aberdeen 1991
Been into the levs since: 1989

Was always wanting the rolling A as it kind of symbolises my personal philosophy, but decided to enhance it with a rip-off of the old unionism slogan "educate....agitate....activate" but decided to change "activate" to "liberate" so it now reads as my beliefs on Animal Rights - educate yourself, agitate and spread your beliefs so others can learn and liberate the animals from their manmade prisons, only by doing so can we learn to free ourselves from our chains.



Tattoo done: December 2010 at Mick Tomos in York
Fav Levs song: Sell Out
First Levs gig: Middlesbrough Town Hall in 1998

Thought I'd send you a pic of my Levellers tattoo for your web page - have been meaning to do it for ages! It's a really good website, great to see other fans' ink and hear their story. :o)




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xxXxx Lots of Levellers Love xxXxx

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