Hello and Welcome to Positive Evolution!!
Come in and make yourself at home among the good vibes.
Sit on a rug or pull up a chair and throw another log on the fire!
"I don't update this website much any more so some things here are a little out of date which I know can be annoying. On the other hand it is a great resource of archive photographs and reviews. There are some great old photos from past festivals, gigs and traveller sites. There are also hundreds of links to some obscure websites that never come up in Google searches. This website had 12 good years when I updated it regularly but with the popularity of social media it doesn't get visited enough to make it worth the time it takes to add new content and update things. All content will stay here for information and entertainment and no doubt I will add the odd thing now and again!"
Sam x
What started as a simple page about me has developed into a site which aims to entertain as well as educate and inspire. Evolving in a positive way as human beings is a really important thing to me and this site will give some positive messages about our people and our planet as well as information about other positive things like music, spirituality, health, sustainable living and a few other other bits and pieces!
There is a ever growing section on new travellers, as a traveller myself I found that back when I started this site in 2005 there was not much on the internet about travellers past and present. Now there are many other sites and a lot on social media.
I aim to expand on the traveller sections as the site grows! I hope the information and photos will appeal to new travellers and those interested in the lifestyle as well as people who like to travel whether in the UK or explore the world. There is a history of travellers and some information on different ways to travel as well as lots of pictures of live-in vehicles.
There is a large section with pictures and write ups on festivals dating back to 1995. You will notice that some festival reviews are on my blog so it links to them there. You can navigate to all of them from the festivals link at the top of the page. It was just a period when I didn't bother putting them on here as I lost enthusiasm for a while!
There is a huge section on ancient sites covering the UK, Spain, Portugal, France and the USA. Most of them are quite old now and so the photos do not do the sites justice in a lot of cases. Some were from a time before digital cameras so I wouldn't have taken many pictures. This gets added to as and when I visit new locations and if I go back to places I will take better photographs and then update the page.
Most of the writing on the site I have done myself by research and knowledge of the subject. Some other people have contributed and they are named at the start or end of the article or review. All the photographs on this website were taken by me unless otherwise stated.
To help you navigate this site I have tried to keep it to a minimum of main sections that have drop down menus with more pages to look at. As some of the sections are quite large you will need to scroll down to see all the other pages. The sections are pretty self explanatory and you will find all sorts in the Positivity section.
I have a blog, HERE, that I post to sometimes regularly and sometimes not! I also have a YouTube channel that I upload videos to now and then, a Soundcloud page that I upload any audio to, an Instagram page for the band that I am in but I use it for personal use too and a Bandcamp page for our band. All those links are at the bottom of each page.
I sometimes send out a newsletter, these can be rather sporadic depending on my life at that time. Please do join the mailing list as two things I can guarantee is that you will not be bombarded with emails and your details will not be passed on to third parties.
Please leave a comment on my guestbook, yes I still have an old fashioned guestbook! Alternatively send me an EMAIL after having a look around as I would love to know what you think. Many thanks for taking the time to look at my website, I hope you enjoy what you find here.
Peace, Love and Positivity, Sam xxx

Sam - January 2020
"Show me the government that does not infringe upon anyone's rights, and I will no longer call myself an anarchist."